2022 Dellanna West O’Brien Women’s Leadership Award

We want to wish a huge congratulations to Libo Krieg, the 2022 Dellanna West O’Brien Women’s Leadership Award recipient!

Tamiko Jones, executive director of WMU of Texas, presents Libo Krieg with her award. Photo by Grace Thornton/The Baptist Paper.

“Libo has many years under her service belt,” said Ina Rios. “Her involvement with WMU is well over 30 years. She breathes WMU, and she loves WMU’s commitment to stay faithful to the calling of the Great Commission with missions discipleship.”

Libo is the leader of the newly formed Hispanic WMU/UFM Network and is the Hispanic trainer for WMU of Texas. Pray for Libo and the Kingdom work being done through the Hispanic WMU/UFM Network.

You can learn more about the Dellanna West O’Brien Women’s Leadership Award and see a list of past recipients here.

Read more about WMU’s 2022 annual meeting, including more about Libo, here.