Did you know when you give to a Touch Tomorrow Today (TTT) endowment, you help the entire WMU family? Of the annual TTT distribution, 50% goes unrestricted to that state or regional WMU, 40% goes to the Vision Fund supporting the ministry of national WMU, and 10% goes unrestricted to the WMU Foundation. Everyone in the WMU family benefits!
You don’t just have to give to the TTT endowment in your own state. “Iowa’s TTT endowment benefitted when the WMU Foundation encouraged and helped all states and regions reach our $15,000 and $25,000 endowment goals,” explained Joni Wilkinson, Iowa WMU executive director.
For the 25th anniversary of the WMU Foundation in 2020, we set a goal to get all TTT endowments to $25,000. While we didn’t hit this goal until 2021, we were so excited to see the partnerships that formed as various states and regions came together and helped each other.
“I was grateful for donors outside Iowa helping us achieve these goals. When Iowa reached $25,000, there were still nine or ten states seeking to accomplish this goal,” continued Joni. “Motivated by David George’s leadership and the WMU Foundation‘s example, I purposed to rotate my monthly giving to the other TTT endowments until all the states met their goals. What a privilege and joy!”
While it’s always rewarding to meet a goal or crush a challenge that’s been set, the true reward is seeing how the funds are used to help spread the gospel. Since TTT funds are unrestricted, each state or regional WMU is welcome to use the money however they would like. In the past, funds have been used for children’s events, scholarships, missions trips, and more. While each state or region might use their TTT funds differently, they all have one thing in common: to share the love of Jesus Christ with those who may not know Him.
“One other significant fact about the TTT endowment for Iowa and many other states is how critical the annual distributions are for state WMU budgets,” reminded Joni. “In Iowa, the Iowa WMU TTT endowment and the Second Century Fund provide the financial foundation for our ministry each year.”
If your missions passion is supporting the WMU family, giving to Touch Tomorrow Today is a great way to fuel that passion. You can give to your own state or regional WMU TTT endowment or follow Joni’s lead and help other smaller TTT endowments.
Visit wmufoundation.com/touch-tomorrow-today to learn more and to give a one-time or monthly gift. Your gift today impacts the WMU family tomorrow.
By Maegan Dockery, WMU Foundation communications manager.