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Peggy Darby

Peggy Darby


Contact Peggy about speaking engagements, investment management, and planned giving.

Email: [email protected]

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I keep a vacation wish list because there are so many places I want to visit. It is hard for me to select just one, but if I had to pick, I would say it would be my wish list item to visit every state in the United States.

Whose investment in you made a significant influence in your life?

The WMU women, of which there are far too many to name, would be who I would identify as having invested and made the most significant influence on my life. From my days as a GA to my time in Acteens working my way through StudiAct, to eventually earn Service Aide, to my Judson College Sisters who were WMU leaders in their own states, from my Alabama WMU Camp Days to the women I know as an adult, these women shared their love of WMU work and missions with me. They may never know the impact they had on my life, but I do, and for that I will always be grateful to them.