Making an Eternal Impact for Missions

Andrea Mullins met Marti Solomon when Marti was the Acteens Consultant at national WMU. She had an infectious laugh. Later in their years at WMU, they were often roommates at events where they were both leading conferences. More than once, people knocked on their door because they could hear Marti’s laughter in the next room when they were trying to sleep!

“Marti inspired Acteens to deeper commitment to missions,” explained Andrea, national WMU retiree. “She loved going to Acteens camps to be with teen girls and encourage their spiritual growth. I often met missions leaders whose commitment to missions began when they were Acteens and met Marti at camp. Marti’s influence led many young women to give their life to missions, either as missionaries or as missions leaders in their churches.”

Marti cared deeply about Acteens leaders. She not only trained leaders but also became their friend. She was available to them and encouraged many through the ups and downs of Acteens leadership. She also helped leaders through their personal life issues, and they knew she cared about them. “I know Marti’s years at national WMU are still influencing lives through the leaders whose lives she touched,” concluded Andrea.

Marti worked at national WMU for over 26 years as a Marketing Specialist and Acteens Consultant. Because Marti included the WMU Foundation in her will, Marti’s family established the Marti Solomon Endowment to honor her love for WMU and missions. Through the Marti Solomon Endowment, you can participate in supporting missions and the ministries of WMU. The Marti Solomon Endowment gives a yearly distribution to the Vision Fund, which supports the overall ministry of WMU, including missions discipleship, compassion ministries, and leadership development.

Did you know the third annual Mission Matters Most campaign is happening right now? The WMU Foundation is hoping to raise $100,000 for the Vision Fund during this year’s campaign, and we need your help to do that! Since we’re celebrating 135 years of WMU, would you, your WMU group, or your church consider giving $135 or more to help us reach our goal?

Because the WMU Foundation strives to always honor WMU’s legacy, 10% of the total raised from each year’s Mission Matters Most campaign goes to the Marti Solomon Endowment for the future. Because this endowment provides annual support to the Vision Fund, setting this 10% aside each year is one small way we can help WMU’s legacy continue.

Visit to learn more about the Vision Fund, the Marti Solomon Endowment, and the third annual Mission Matters Most campaign.

Written by Maegan Dockery.

Zachariah Seanor

Director of Mission Advancement